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Color Correction update: Because of the extensive changes to FCP’s color correction tools in version 10.4 and 10.4.1, chapter 9 has been revised with new content and new media. To access the updated chapter in PDF form click here. There is also updated media for this new chapter. To download the media called BBCC.zip click here. The file is quite large, over 1 GB.
Going beyond where introductory books leave off and written for experienced editors, especially those new to Final Cut Pro X, this new and revised edition of Final Cut Pro X Beyond the Basics is brimming with cutting-edge methods to bring your editing skills to the next level. Explained in jargon-free language by a seasoned teacher and digital editor, Tom Wolsky’s text has been fully updated to address the new Final Cut Pro X 10.3 interface and changes to the software. This full-color workshop features tutorials that provide firsthand experience on the art and technique of editing at an advanced level with Final Cut Pro X, as well as in-depth information and time-saving tips that will allow you to master the application's interface elements, tools, and nuances. Wolsky covers all the bases, including:
Library workflows and collaboration;
Media organization and metadata customization for different genres;
Editing techniques for projects of various lengths and types;
Using markers and the timeline index;
Audio tools;
Multicam editing;
Audio and video effects;
Color correction, including secondary corrections and isolated color adjustments;
Compositing and complex animation.
An accompanying eResource features downloadable Final Cut Pro X project libraries for the tutorials discussed in the book, offering readers hands-on examples of the techniques and practices covered.
The second edition of Final Cut Pro X Beyond the Basics is available from the Routledge website, Amazon, and soon in iBooks. Available as an ebook, paperback, or hardback.
The media for the book is available on the Routledge website. The links are available at the bottom of the Routledge page.
Check out the changes to FCPX in 10.4 here, and the new advanced color correction tools here.
Color Correction update: Because of the extensive changes to FCP’s color correction tools in version 10.4 and 10.4.1, chapter 9 has been revised. A PDF of updated chapter can be found here. It’s a large PDF and make take some time to load.
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